Saturday, November 29, 2008

Belated Halloween...Thanksgiving in Washington

Nadia was a ballerina for Halloween. She especially enjoyed meeting the dogs of the houses we visited. We really enjoy living in Missoula, Montana. It is a much more laid back atmosphere and Beth enjoys her practice and schedule.

We celebrated Beth's birthday and Thanksgiving and Black Friday by running away from Missoula. Beth didn't really want to cook a dinner so we just took a car trip to Spokane. We did quite a bit of shopping and ice skating and also visited the temple. There was quite a bit of snow flurries as well. I am writing this from the hotel bed as Nadia and Beth sleep.

So I have not been super at keeping my blog up to date. But I have a new reason why to do so: last week my hand-written journal was stolen from my car along with some other books (like my Bible!). Complete bummer. Anyways, I am going electronic for a while to see if this works better... or at least makes me feel better.

Nadia is really excited to have a baby sister. For some reason, just one name is not sticking with this one; we keep jumping around among three or four different ones.
We'll see.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

Aw, she is so cute! I'm glad that Beth is liking her schedule and job and that you are settled in. :) When is the baby due?